
Niceward welcomes you to Anti-Whoreward!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Twitter, reviews, names, poll results and a little surprise!

Hello Anti-Whoreward readers!

It has been a very interesting month! Niceward got twitter and that helped to get this blog out there. Niceward met very interesting people! One was a little rude and questioned the blog and Niceward (Ooooh) but he was too nice to keep it going. The rest of his followers are amazing.

But I am going to say this: I will not stand macho stupidity or bitchy attitude.

There was one little thing that was mentioned to Niceward that I want to clear: No. I do not leave hateful reviews, or send hate PMs/emails to Whoreward authors. It would be absurd. What would I gain with that? Nothing. It is a waste of time to send hate mail and my time is precious. Besides, I'm not one of those people. Another thing I want to clear: I don't say names. Never. Maybe to a friend who shares my opinions about Whoreward or if I trust that person with my opinions. So if you expect to see names here, you won't find them. You can ask Niceward, if you want. But if he wants to share or not, I don't know. Another reason why I won't say names? It would give it popularity, and that doesn't go with this blog, does it?

The poll was closed! And the results were these:

• 33% think that now all we see is Whoreward.

• 49% think that yes, there is repetition of Whoreward but that you can find other stories without it.

• 17% think Whoreward is not seen that much.

I'm so happy about the result. There are stories out there with a nice, decent Edward! Now all I have to do is find them! I'm working on that and there will be a rec section soon. To the 17% that said no... it's okay. But did you know that for every ten new stories, six of them have Whoreward? Just last week there several new stories were up on Twilighted and most of them had Whoreward.

That is all.

Oh, and I have a song for the blog now! Elvis, voice my thoughts about Whoreward!