
Niceward welcomes you to Anti-Whoreward!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fic Rec: The Beauty of His Eyes by AlexaET

Last week, I started reading a story that from the very start looked very original and promising. I’m glad to tell you that I was not mistaken. This story is beautiful and it will touch your heart.

It made me laugh, it made smile, and it even managed to make me cry! The way Alexa writes makes the scene perfect and she gets all the emotions right! It all flows perfectly with the plot.

I’m not going to give information away, where is the fun in that?! But I can tell you that this isn’t your typical Edward. He doesn’t have an attitude problem, his personality is not twisted, he doesn’t have bad, womanizing intentions with anybody. His problems go beyond any of that, and his story is extremely sad. However, he is a very strong character and he tries very hard to live with his difficulties and worries about his family all the time.

As for Bella, she is an orphan. Elizabeth Masen, Edward’s mother, meets Bella and takes her to the Masen house to live. At first Bella is very confused with the dynamics of the Masen family, but after some time and a revelation a few days after she arrives, she fits in the family. She is very scared and confused, some bad things happened to her and her family which left her broken.

Edward and Bella form a strong and selfless friendship and with time, that friendship becomes something more. And trust me, it is really, really amazing.

Go read and leave her some love!

Thank you Alexa for writing this beautiful story! Follow her on twitter @AlexaUrce

*Thank you FrozenSoldier for the banner

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Twitter, reviews, names, poll results and a little surprise!

Hello Anti-Whoreward readers!

It has been a very interesting month! Niceward got twitter and that helped to get this blog out there. Niceward met very interesting people! One was a little rude and questioned the blog and Niceward (Ooooh) but he was too nice to keep it going. The rest of his followers are amazing.

But I am going to say this: I will not stand macho stupidity or bitchy attitude.

There was one little thing that was mentioned to Niceward that I want to clear: No. I do not leave hateful reviews, or send hate PMs/emails to Whoreward authors. It would be absurd. What would I gain with that? Nothing. It is a waste of time to send hate mail and my time is precious. Besides, I'm not one of those people. Another thing I want to clear: I don't say names. Never. Maybe to a friend who shares my opinions about Whoreward or if I trust that person with my opinions. So if you expect to see names here, you won't find them. You can ask Niceward, if you want. But if he wants to share or not, I don't know. Another reason why I won't say names? It would give it popularity, and that doesn't go with this blog, does it?

The poll was closed! And the results were these:

• 33% think that now all we see is Whoreward.

• 49% think that yes, there is repetition of Whoreward but that you can find other stories without it.

• 17% think Whoreward is not seen that much.

I'm so happy about the result. There are stories out there with a nice, decent Edward! Now all I have to do is find them! I'm working on that and there will be a rec section soon. To the 17% that said no... it's okay. But did you know that for every ten new stories, six of them have Whoreward? Just last week there several new stories were up on Twilighted and most of them had Whoreward.

That is all.

Oh, and I have a song for the blog now! Elvis, voice my thoughts about Whoreward!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Niceward's Twitter!

Niceward wants people to know him! Follow him on twitter @Niceward. Don't miss his bio. If you want him to follow you back, don't be shy and tweet him!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Why Whoreward?

I have asked that question many times, but I never have a logical answer. I always get the same: it's hot, it's different. It is not hot reading how Edward is a bastard, who only worries about himself, treats women like shit and his soul is simply not there. And it is not different, I've been paying attention to new stories and at least 70% of All-Human stories have Whoreward there.

I will ask again, why? It's not original, it's not hot and it's not Edward. Yes, I can hear you say "OOC", but I can't see it. My Team Edward heart gets a little sick every time I see something like that. When I see this I stop reading and I don't even leave a review because I have nothing positive to say.

Another thing... Fucking Tanya?! The whore will never get Edward, he rejected her all the time. And blonde is not his type. Lauren? Jessica? Jane? No. He hates them... everything about them.

Now it's not "why Whoreward?", now it's "Why people celebrate that?"